Monday, June 25, 2007

Heart me!

Heart me!
Originally uploaded by myveryownphone

Originally uploaded by myveryownme

These 2 pics were taken by Dan. Pretty sweet both of them, that's why blogged them and *Lady Yale* commented...

'*Lady Yale* says:

Aww it's very pretty! Makes me think love is possible x'.

I'd like to think the same but all evidence point out to the contrary. I know love is blind..just because every culture seems to say so but I'm not sure if it's possible. Not in the long run anyway. We'll just try and hope for the best.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Originally uploaded by Gavrusha

I've gather all my lifetime memories of you.. Now I own a fairly similar picture of you taken in the same neighborhood. Happy moments.


Originally uploaded by Gavrusha

Cliché #1345
Originally uploaded by myveryownme

"Love is blind. Between Vienna and Venice there is a section of the Alpes. A very steep section, impossible to pass. They built the train tracks to connect Vienna and Venice before there was a train in existence to make the trip. Because they knew, one day the train will come". But you were gone on that train and I'm left with nothing...